My first GameJam, and pretty much my first Game !

Hi dear reader !
Today is a special one for me : it's the first game jam I ever been into, the MINI JAM 48. On this occasion, I completed from scratch my very first game, after about 12 years of unfinished projects. 12 years. That's a lot.
For the very first time, I decided to go along with imperfections. To accept that I do have to rush work and to accept things as "good enough". The result is there : I made a simple but funny 3D game from scratch, using my favorite langage Ruby and the gems Gosu and OpenGL-bindings.
The game is not perfect and could have been more complete. But I worked around 30 hours on it, and did everything : all the engine is coded from scratch, all the sprites and 3D models were done during this jam. I can't thank enough my friend NatZ and HydroGene for the help they provided on the menus, the music and a couple sprites. The game would not have been the same without them.
I hope to get a few feedbacks. I know that the game is hard (like really, really hard). It can also feel unfair sometimes, but it's mostly due to time restrictions : it happens that ennemies can see you by switching orientation, but detection is done at the very same moment so, the state machine freezes the action. It makes the idea that you are spotted unfairly, which is not the case. I would have liked to be able to fix that.
I think that time management was not so bad, especially for my very first game jam. Can't wait to give another try on another one :)
Please, give me feedback, even if it's to tell me the game sucks. I'm prepared for that, and any feedback is really welcome.
Thank you ! :)
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